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Wednesday, July 9, 2008


  1. Im hot. Ever since i receieved our electric bill for this month (it was almost 3X what it normally was) we've kept the AC at 79*F and bought a couple of fans to keep a breeze going. It doesnt seem to help. Its okay if your just sitting down but once i get up and clean or whatever it seems so hot. blah. Hopefully changing the water heater temperature will lower the bill so we can put the AC back to where it used to be.
  2. Hayden is starting to smile. He only does it when he sees jerry though. It so cute. You can see the corners of his mouth start to twitch then slowly it turns into a smile then he coo's and kicks his feet. Its so adorable
  3. The neighbors next door got a chiuwawa. We're not even allowed to have animals here. Its the most annoying dog ever. It barks at every thing that moves- whether it be a moving twig or apassing car. Im hoping they get busted soon. I hate dogs that size.
  4. I just changed an explosive diaper that(with sparing you the details) ended up in me having to completely wash hayden from top to bottom.
  5. Im getting half of my cavities filled on friday. im really excited. The other half will be filled next week. Gemas watching hayden during my appointment- thank gooddness.
  6. Ok im giving in and lowering the temp.