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Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Jerry just called me freaking out. His brother apparently cut off his pointer finger and they are driving to the hospital to fix it. They went to llano hospital but i guess they couldnt fix it because they told them to go to Austin. So, Im at work getting ready to go with them. For some reason i have the Fried Green Tomatoes movie stuck in my head. The part when buddy jr loses his arm and they have a funeral for it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Here is how it works. Tell in your blog seven things we never knew about you and now wish we didn't. In other words...Seven strange/weird/crazy things about me. Then tag someone else-(at bottom of your blog say--I tag_____. And post the blog.

1. At restaurants, I always feel under the table for gum or other crap. Its disgusting but i just do it without thinking then im grossed out that i just touched someones chewed gum.

2. I dont mind if i eat something off the floor. As long as its not covered in dirt or anything equally gross, ill just wipe it off and pop it in my mouth.

3. I cant stand to have dirty fingernails. It makes me feel like im completely filthy. And it seems like the only way to actually get them clean clean is to shower.

4. I dont have a weak stomach. I can watch horrible bloody Saw movies and just keep on eating the popcorn while disgusting scenes pass by.

5. I love it when old ladies pass by me. They always smell really good.

6. I hate chocolate candy. The only chocolate i found that I like is hersheys chocolate. And I hate any hot chocolate drinks that doesnt have the hersheys chocolate mix. And I dont like any hot sweet items with ice cream on top. (like cobbler or pie) It makes me sick.

7. I dread going down the shampoo aisle at walmart. So many decisions on what kind of shapoo you can pick out. Same thing with the bean isle.

I cant tag anyone except gina