Check out my cake blog!

Monday, August 25, 2008

See the resemblance?

Check out the hair

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hayden and Jerry


Oh, Hi!!

Put me down!!

I'll teach you not to obey me!

Please, no kisses!

Friday, August 15, 2008


Friday, August 8, 2008

Haydens Leaking

Hayden drools. He mainly does it when its been a while since he ate. Its as if he starts thinking about a warm bottle full of delicious milk and then starts the drool. Its kind of like homer simpsons "Mmmmm donuts... gggllluuughh*drool*"

His thrush is spreading to his throat. The result is him sounding like one of the chipmunk brothers when he crys or laughs. The doctor thinks that his body might be becoming used to the medicine so its not working like t should but there really isnt anything else they can give him until hes four months. Until then, i bought a timer so i wont forget/be late giving him the medicine. Today he seems to sound a lot better.

I love working at the ped. dental office. Its so much fun interacting with the children and you see such cool stuff. Yesterday a girl who had cleft lip palate came in. The hygeinist stopped and showed me how the surgeons had done the reconstructive surgery. It was really interesting. The same day i helped take an xray on a coworker and found out she has three extra teeth- two in her chin area and one tucked by her ear. Again, interesting. Then before we left, the last patient came and she had a microdont (idk if thats spelled right) tooth. Basically its like a midget perminant tooth. All of her teeth were so big except for one molar that looked soo tiny. It was cool. The hygeinist told methat she went to the main dentist andsaid that it would be a good idea to hire me to be a floater between op side and hygeine side. Im excited. She said that he thought it sounded like a good idea so hopefully it will work out.