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Monday, August 6, 2007

Weird Walmart Man

It seems lately that Ive been atracting the weird and lonely type of guys. Most of whom are extremely older than me. For example, the other day i ambled into walmart slowly making my way through the aisles until finally deciding to buy a computer game. I tentavily pushed my cart into the crowded space and began looking for something interesting to play. I momentarily made eye contact with a raggidy looking character looking at wizard games. Taking this as an opportunity for a friendship, he began rambling on and on.
"Have you kept up on the harry potter series?"He asked, eyeing me.
He went on explaining to me how he refuses to read the last book bc so many people die and that instead he writes "fan series" so that he can control the way things happen. He took up ten minutes just explaining why Harry and Hermoine werent right for eachother.
"Its most unfortunate that my ex-wife was exactly like... well... Ron. Selfish and egoistical"He had said looking genuinely upset.
I looked at the lady stocking PC games and prayed that someone would call me or text me or anything just to get me out of this weird situation. I sat there, 30 minutes waiting for him to finish until finally making an excuse that i had to 'pee like a racehorse' and fled to the other side of the store seeking refuge in the produce department.
Seriously, this guy and the incident with Ryan from the bakery just makes me wonder what im doing wrong that makes 35yr old losers who live with their mom want to be friends with me. Honestly.


Rebekah Collette said...
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Rebekah Collette said...

Oh Amber I laughed a much needed laugh after reading this. Not that in a sense it isn't a little scary and as you pointed out brings the questions of " why 35yr old losers who live with their mom " to the forefront but still you always crack me up with your stories about things that other people wouldn't be imaginative enough to write about. Man I miss those days we use to make up stories and just write about the randomness of things. All our little scribblings seemed so insignificant back then but now I see that they were so much more. All reminiscing aside this "rambling" about you is very original, loved it.

Gema said...

This is weird. Just be careful. Maybe it is just because you are friendly and nice and innocent looking. Be cautious--lots of crazies out there.

Tammie said...

As your Mom, I am just as freaked out as you. Unfortunately, it might be in the genes. Look who I married! Haha! Watch out and just be smart.