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Friday, August 31, 2007



Ive been working at my new job for two weeks now and all i have to say is this: EASY.

Coming from abakery where you hardly got a 5 minute break for 8 hours of work, then going to this job and feeling like im on break for the whole eight hours is great-ish.

My new bosses are a married couple with four children. Two of which are younger than me. The first week of my employment I was given an assignment of organizing three boxes full of papers and artwork from 2006-present. Fun. Seeing as there was nothing else to do, i finished the job in two days. After that I became a babysitter to Peter who is an 8-9yr old boy going into middle school and who now, as i was informed by my boss Teresa, has the hotts for me. hehe. I would lug him around with me to run errands and pick up food for the workers.

One fun incident i had with Peter was at Walmart. We were getting chicken from the deli and he kept on telling me how his parents always got te family meal. So, i got that for everyone. What a mistake! The lady handed me a HUGE box filled to the top with fried chicken. 60 pieces were in that box for seven workers!! Then as i was eating he says:

"Amber., this isnt even real chicken. I bet its like McDonalds- all they do is throw the whole chicken into the grinder, grind everything up, feathers and beaks and everything- then mold it to look like chicken".


Anywho, my job is effortless. I spend 5 hours of the 8 playing games. But the people are fun.

I am now the champion of solitare.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Joy to the World

I got a job!! Woo.


So i got all fancied up and went to different places putting in my resume (which is pretty fancy). I went first to the graphic design place and was shocked at how crazy their work area was. They had boxes and their machines crazily thrown all over the place. My initial though was 'act like you re lost and flee in The Giant Egg (my car)' but i went ahead and gave the lady the papers. She told me that they were waiting for the remodelers to finish so the could move back to their regular office. By Monday everything should be nice and neat again. This information was good to hear because i was imagining working there and struggling to keep the mice from stealing my food. I had initially applied for the graphic design but later she called me and told me that she wanted me to run the front office. So i guess I'm going to be like a secretary. Which is fine with me because later when i want to quit this job ill have the 'office' experience needed to work at PEC. :P I start Monday.

I applied to ACC two days ago. I'm thinking about dental hygienist. Ive always been fascinated with watching peoples teeth get fixed but had never really thought about it as a career bc my teeth were so messed up and I thought it would be hypocritical. Anyways, i researched it and ACC offers associate degree for it. I asked mom her opinion and i think shes okay with it. Most dentist offices offer free dental if you work for them so ill be set for life. Im still thinking about it but i believe i would really like it. My old manager/friend from Dairy Queen was just licensed to be a dental assistant and i was helping her study for tests and the information was pretty interesting believe it or not.

Well thats pretty much all that has been happening these past few days. Jennys shower is this weekend. Yay

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wa Wa Waaa

So I got a letter in the mail saying that th ejob position has been filled and thats okay with me. They had over 50 applications and only six made it to the second interview so i still feel that i was lucky to get that far considering my age and experience. So ive been looking at more jobs (ugh... why cant i be a professional slacker?) and narrowed it down to these:
1- Graphic Designer for a Tshirt company
2- Vet Tech-ish help for a veterinarian, no experience required
3-Personal Care Attendant
4-Data Entry Operator
5- Front Office help for a doctors office

Before I would rush with a fire under my butt to get another job but now i just feel like i dont want a job right now. Thats not really a choice for me but i cant get my enthusiasm up like i always did before. Actually, i should be calling people right now but meh. Instead im sitting here, eating a cold corndog with room temp mac and cheese and thinking about jobs (it doesnt help that Judge Joe Brown is on the TV). Ugh, wish me luck

Monday, August 13, 2007

Elusive Job Hunt

Gahh!! So, I quit my job at the bakery about two weeks ago and have been looking for a promising job that pays better than the last one. The first choice was PEC as the pay was a lot better than others and hours were good too. I had the interview (it was a group interview.. talk about urine provoking)
I walked in wearing a floral skirt and baby-pink shirt (im sure i looked about twelve now that i think about it). Taking a seat next to a plump older woman and a shy-looking twenty-two yr old, I felt a little intimidated. I had arrived ten minutes early so I had all that time to think about how horrible i could screw this up... and i did, i think. Four guys camein and introduced themselves as different managers of the company. They began to ask us questions and even now i dont remember what i said. I was soo nervous that i could feel myheart beating in my mchest. All i remember is that i talked really fast and tried to BS my way into making them think i had more experience than i actually did. Then they told us we would be taking an hour and a half long test on basic office needs.
What the heck?
I didnt know that the stuff I learned in PreAp Calculus would be used in an office?! Shoot, I think i dropped that class for PE. Anyways, the test was based on Math, Reading, Spelling error correction (which im sure i failed), Data Imput, and True or false.
I saved the Spelling Error and Math for the last because i knew that i would take the longest on those. I got to the math and took a swift look at my competitors progress. All were scribling their math work on the scrap paper that was provided. The test wasa on the computer and i knew that i could cheat but i didnt wan tto be caught cheating at a job interview... but i opened up the calculator program on the computer and quickly answered the questions. I think the lady sitting next to me saw but meh, i was using my resources.
After all that stress from the test, i finished and stood up to walk back to the desks where we originally sat. I dont know what exactly happened but when i sat down, i felt all the blood drain from my face which resulted in me looking whiter that i normally am.
"Amber, are you alright?" The manager asked.
Feeling dumb, i just smiled and said yes while trying to breath and get my complexion back. Hopefully they didnt think i was a health-hazard druggie.
Ugh, well i had my second interview and if i get the job or not they should call me. I was the only one in the group that spoke spanish but i didnt have any office experience. IDk either way im going ot apply to some other jobs today just incase. Hopefully Ill find something.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Weird Walmart Man

It seems lately that Ive been atracting the weird and lonely type of guys. Most of whom are extremely older than me. For example, the other day i ambled into walmart slowly making my way through the aisles until finally deciding to buy a computer game. I tentavily pushed my cart into the crowded space and began looking for something interesting to play. I momentarily made eye contact with a raggidy looking character looking at wizard games. Taking this as an opportunity for a friendship, he began rambling on and on.
"Have you kept up on the harry potter series?"He asked, eyeing me.
He went on explaining to me how he refuses to read the last book bc so many people die and that instead he writes "fan series" so that he can control the way things happen. He took up ten minutes just explaining why Harry and Hermoine werent right for eachother.
"Its most unfortunate that my ex-wife was exactly like... well... Ron. Selfish and egoistical"He had said looking genuinely upset.
I looked at the lady stocking PC games and prayed that someone would call me or text me or anything just to get me out of this weird situation. I sat there, 30 minutes waiting for him to finish until finally making an excuse that i had to 'pee like a racehorse' and fled to the other side of the store seeking refuge in the produce department.
Seriously, this guy and the incident with Ryan from the bakery just makes me wonder what im doing wrong that makes 35yr old losers who live with their mom want to be friends with me. Honestly.