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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Heres Hayden!

Its taken me a while to get online and post! I cant believe that tomorrow Hayden will be a week old. It went by so fast! The time spent at the hospital was probably the hardest of all of it. The labor process went by so fast! I had an epidural very early and just passed the time talking and listening to everyone talk. While delivering hayden, I tore a lot and lost a lot of blood. Because of this, i was not able to get out of bed for two days (i nearly passed out just trying to sit up in bed) and hayden was bottle fed as I was not able to. It was really hard on jerry. He hardly slept and had to deal with all the diaper changes and late night bottle feedings by himself. He did a great job though.
We left sunday morning. It was soo good to get back to the apartment. Haydens been great. He sleeps for 3-4 hours, gets a bottle (i havent been able to successfully breast feed him.He just gets so angry and upset each time I try) and fresh diaper, then goes back to sleep within 30 minutes. I have to say that he is eating A LOT. At the hospital it started at 1- 2 ounces, then was uped to 2-3, now five days later hes eating 3-4 ounces every feeding. Hes a porker thats for sure.
I still get a little dizzy every once in a while but it goes as quick as it comes.
I cant get enough of him! I love just having him asleep on my chest watching all his little facial expressions. Im realizing now that the cutest ones of all are also the ones that mean that hes about to leave a present for me to clean, but I dont mind. Haha. So far his schedule has been great. He wakes up at 10, 1:30, 4ish, then 7. Hes so snuggly.
Its great being a mom. Ihave to admit that it still doesnt feel real. It seems like the whole nine months just flew by.

Jerrys doing a lot better with the handling of Hayden. At first he was really nervous about holding him. He's still nervous but not near as bad.


tpot said...

Oh, so sweet!