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Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Little Boy

I remember driving in the early morning light. So nervous. My stomach was tight with emotion. It seemed to be taking forever to ge tto the hospital. Hayden didnt move in my stomach. He must have known what was happening.
Steping out of the car, the wind rushed around me, lifting my hair off my shoulders. Jerry took my hand and we slowly walked towards the hospital door. We checked in. My hands shook as i tied the straps of the hospital gown. I smiled at Jerry, and we hugged.I remember the smell and feel of the bed. You sunk into it. Not the good sinking. More like the sinking you feel on a gym mat. As they put in the IV i remember closing my eyes and thinking that today today ill have a little boy to care fore. Today i'd be a mother. Today. The time passed by so quickly. Family came. I got my epidural. I puked. Around five I was ready to push. At 5:34 I felt the release and saw the doctor hold up my little boy. He was so small. So much hair. So floppy. So loud. So adorable.
Now he's one years old.
The time has passed by so fast.

We've been through a lot this year. Thrush and vomiting. Explosive diapers without wipies. Ear infections and bumps on the head. Scratches and falls.

And lots and lots of smiles and laughter.

I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Your the perfect son for me. I can't wait to share many more memories with you. I hope you know how much i love you and can't live without you. I hope you know that I will do anything to keep you safe and happy. I hope you know that no matter what happens, ill be here.

Happy Birthday baby boy. I love you


Tammie said...

You just made me cry!
I am 100% sure that little boy knows you love him. He just lights up when you and Jerry walk into the room. He is a precious, precious gift. I thank God and you both for bringing Hayden into our lives.

tpot said...

Oh, that's so sweet! I cried! Happy Birthday, Hayden!