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Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Im not sure what happened..."

Yesterday was our anniversary. I was planning all day to do something fun, relaxing and memorable.

I picked up hayden and saw this:the sitter said as i was walkingin the door that haydens face was a little red but thatshe hadput some cream for itto heal.i expected to see a bump but i saw that his upper left face wasswollen and red. I told her it looked really bad. She started saying how she didnt know exactly what happened but that she heard him crying and that the four yr old girl who was playing next to him said that he had scratched his face on the carpet.Wtf? Where was she when this happened? It looked like someone haddragged him by his foot across the lving room. I was in shock and didnt say much. It bugs the crap out of me that she DIDNT EVEN KNOWwhat happened. What kind of sitter does that?!She didnt even call me when ithappened.

Today a new lady named Sandra came to watch hayden in our apartment. Shes reallynice. Hayden did well with her. I told her it will stink being in an apartment with a baby all day but that if she can hold out for a week, we'll be in the new house with plenty of yard space to run around in.

I hope she works out. I seriously considered just staying home to watch hayden and a couple of other children at the house. At least then id know everything thathappened with my little boy.

Jerk. Good riddance.

This is his scabby face today. Each timehe smiles the scab by his eye starts to bleed.


Tammie said...

Dang! Well, at least it looks like it is healing up well. Poor baby. Jesse freaked out when he saw it, too. Keep it moist and tbe bleeding should stay at a minimal. I'm sorry this happened. I love you!

tpot said...

Poor little guy. I'm glad he's okay. Congrats on the losing the pounds, too!

Jennifer said...

Mace offered to beat up the babysitter... just in case Jerry and Jesse didn't get to her first. Zane wanted to kick her in the shin. j