Check out my cake blog!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

FRAUD!! *slap*

So, sad to say, Mr. India was a fraud. :( i had an intese conversation with a creditcard head of security lady and she tracked the numbers and told me that they were all coming from the same bank that was probably hacked into. Nice huh? I had to refund all that money. Drag... Now i have a nice little file taped on the wall by my desk with "MR INDIA-CREDIT CARD FRAUD" that has all his weird emails and credit cards just incase the law comes searching for some information. O.o

For the family t-shirts- i was thinking navy shirts with white ink.

On the front there would be a picture (50's style cartoon i think) of a household mom holding a huge paddle and a little boy/little girl (girls shirts would have the little girl. boys shirts, the boy) looking scared. then "DONT WORRY,I SURVIVED" underneith/over it.

On the back it would say:
LAUGH (In big/bold)
Lewis/Lichtenstein Annual Family Weekend"

I think they would be cute. I figured navy is a boy and girl color. Im excited!! Now its just a matter of wating for the next family weekend.

The entire staff of this company has the flu except for me. So im having to deal with grumpy/needy people all day long. ugggggggggggggggggggg.. Why cant i have the weak immune system?!

Peter skipped school today and is in the office showing me his numerous coin magic tricks.He missed the bus and begged his mom to let him stay home. He also changed his musical instrument from the huge tuba to the trumpet. Which is nice bc when he gets here after schooli dont have to hear "BUM BUM BUM Buum" (tuba/fart like sounds)

I was searching th eweb and found a perfect shirt for jennys new baby >>> Nice, huh? haha

Friday, September 14, 2007

Mr. India

Its been about a week since my last post. eek.

I got a raise at work! Woo. Apparently playing solitaire gets you the big bucks. jk. And then yesterday i made a $4,400 sale to some weird guy from India. He gave me the creeps just talking to him. He would call every 10 minutes with the same line:

"Yes, Hello Chow are you today? May I speek to Hembar?"

He gave me like six cards to charge (all mastercard) which to me is suspicious. Then after i finally got all the money ( I had to sit and play with the cards for a long time to see what amount of money they would approve.) he calls again "Hembar", and wants another 2000 shirts which would be another $4,400. And gives me different credit cards to run. It was already 5:30 and i was in the office alone and frankly, i thought i should wait until tomorrow and call the credit card company to make sure the cards arent stolen. As i was walking out of the office, Mr India was calling again and again. I didnt want to answer! He's weird. So i just let it ring. Creep.

Gema- I sent you a card like a week ago. :( did you get it?

So i was thinking for the next annual family gathering, i would make shirts for all of us but i wanted it to be a fnny shirt but i cant think of anything. *sigh*I was really shocked at how cheap it is. ($4.60 a shirt with one ink color custom designed front and back). Hmm... i dont know. They have to all say the same thing.

Has anyone seen 3:10 to Yuma- the movie? I watched it last weekend and am a little confused? *Thinks about movie* I mean, the whole time the bad guy is trying to break out of confinement, then in the end, his guard is murdered then the bad guy kills all of his posse then boards the train to th ejail? Uh...

Id like to note that Gema's new blog page looks really good.

Yup well, theres nothing else really important that has happened to me that yall would care about. So TTFN

Monday, September 3, 2007


So over the weekend i dyed my hair red....

but its only temporary. i just wanted to see what it looked like.

The directions were to wet oyur hair and pour this black goo all over your hair. My problem was that when i wet my hair its black-ish and so i couldnt telll if ihad the black goo all over. So after i finished, i saw that i had blonde, brown , and red hair. nice, huh? I dont think its that obvious though... or at least i hope not. *blink* oh well, itll be gone in a month or so hopefully. I dont think it looks that bad. Except for my eyebrows are like dark . I was going to dye them too but i got scared and took the goo off before it did any damage.

Well, ive got to go eat something.

This is Rainbow Head, Signing off.
