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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Planned birth

I had my doctors appointment today and the doc and I decided that this thursday ill be induced at the Llano Memorial Hospital. Im supposed to be there at 5:30 in the morning to get my first dose of pitocin. Its really kind of weird knowing when im going to be in labor. The whole mystery of when the contractions will start etc has now vanished and has been replaced with nervousness and excitement that on thursday night ill most likely be lying with my baby. Then again, it is kind of nice being able to call everyone before hand and give them a good two days notice instead of a frantic call two hours into contractions. At least i can clean the house knowing that im not cleaning something that will just get dirty again before he comes. Woo im really nervous now that im thinking about it. Im getting jittery- haha. My doctors not going to be working next week because his family is going out of town. Im due this sunday and I dont think i would have been able to wait until the week of the 26th to start the labor process naturally. Surely with the way things have been feeling i would have gone into labor early next week at the latest and I didnt want to have some random doctor who i had never seen before delivering my baby. The doctor said i was 2 1/2 cm dilated and i had a "favorable cervix" (whatever that means) and with that in mind he thought inducing would be a good idea if i was worried about having a strange doctor soo it was decided. Im planning on having Jerry, mom and gema in the room with me. I dont think ill be that shy/modest about it because ill probably be thinking about pushing etc. Just no photos below the bellybutton guys... haha. Oh- the doctor confirmed my suspicions that inducing does hurt a lot more than going into labor naturally- so the whole idea of waiting until 7cm to get iv pain medications was thrown out the window and replaced with an epidural. Ill bring phase ten (thank you beki) and be just fine laying in bed almost pain free playing with whoever will join me.

I cant wait to actually see Hayden for the first time. It almost doesnt seem real that he'll be a real baby instead of a blurred face on a sonogram. Im so excited/anxious. Jerrys being really funny about it. When i told him that it would be this thursday he got this shocked look on his face and just started rambling about what he was going to do when he got home to get the house ready for haydens arrival. Then he started saying that his stomach hurt because he was so excited. Poor guy. I wouldnt be surprised if he ends up fainting on the hospital floor. lol just kidding.

Right well, im going to go wash dishes and clean up a little so i wont have to do much tomorrow. Just two days!


tpot said...

OH, Amber, I am so excited!!! I can't believe it. I will concur with the doc that inducing hurts like...well I won't say it. Natural is much better. That petocin is nasty stuff. Get the epidural and enjoy yourself.

tpot said...
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tpot said...

Just so you don't wonder the comment posted twice, so I deleted one of them. I didn't know it would say this ominous "comment deleted" thing. Sorry.