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Sunday, March 16, 2008

10 things that happened in school that I never told my mom about

1. In fifth grade, I made a sign that said "Help me, my bus driver is crazy" and put it up on the window of the bus. Soon, half the kids on the bus had made similar signs. I got off the bus before she found them. The next day, i was called to the office and asked if i was behind these signs. I gave the principal my innocent girl face and pointed to the one sign that i had made (it was on the top of the pile.) He asked what would happen if he called my parents. I told him that i would be grounded for a long time. He never called. He later became the high school principal and was always awesome towards me.

2. Again in fifth grade-I was given time out during recess for talking to my bf, Amber Kelly. I thought it was just her and me sitting by the swings waiting for the time to pass. We were always pretty open about things. I let out a huge fart and heard "WOAH AMBER OH MY GOSH" from behind me. Turns out, some kid from my class was also "doing time" but i hadnt seen him. My bad.

3. In High school i was assigned Library Aid with my friend. It sucked. One day we hid out in the history video section the entire duration of that period. What did we do? Watch The Tyra Banks Show.

4. 3rd Grade- my first year of real school. I had a cut from recess on my hand and had got a cotton ball with alcohol to clean it up. I remember that I liked the way the desk looked when the alcohol touched it. From then on I started to clean my desk with cotton balls and alcohol 2-3 times daily. My desk partner ratted me out and I was banned from using the medical supplies.

5. 7th grade- My friend Shannon and I started using my english teachers room phone to prank call the nieghboring teacher (Mrs. Giddings). One day, we called and (in a man voice) informed her that we were holding her pens ransom and if she wanted to see them again, she should put $20 in unmarked bills in the womens restroom third stall from the right (something like that). We didnt realise that the door was open and from where she was at, she could see the reflection of us in the window of the door. We were given two days of lunch d-hall.

6. 5th grade- I was assigned seating next to a kid named Kevin who i had a crush on. We started talking and something made me laugh really hard. I threw my head back, then brought it down to what i thought was my folded arms. Wrong. I miscalculated my head measurements and i ended up slamming my front teeth into the table resulting in a chipped tooth. I remember saying "i just chipped my tooth!" and kevin just laughed and laughed. jerk.

7. 12th grade- in PE (yes... i was a senior in PE) the coach was out for a week and we had a sub. We were supposed to run/jog/walk six laps daily before being able to do something else. The coach had made a "fool proof" method of making sure we did it- the sub was supposed to mark our names after each lap. Sucker. I walked up to the sub with my hair in a pony tail and got one mark. I went back to the end of the line (everyone was waiting to give their names for their mark) took my hair down and got a second mark. I didnt the same thing again and again. I ended up only doing like two laps. Thats right- i was the ultimate slacker.

8. I was vice president of FCCLA for two years. They used to do Blizzard days where they would sell Dairy Queen Blizzards to the kids. I knew where they were stashed when they weren't being sold. Needless to say, i snatched a few every once in a while.

9. In middle school i was akways annoyed by the amount of milk they give you to drink with your lunch. So i would wear my baggy jacket around my waist and occasionally put a second carton of milk in my pocket.

10. 4th grade Theater Arts. We were forced to get in groups and lip sync a popular song of our choice then preform it for the rest of our grade. My group finally ended up chosing "Oops I did it again". It was me and Marissa as front dancers and Yexza and Agnieszka as the backups. Marissa and I had no idea what we were doing. We were horrible. The song was finally coming to an end and we got ready for the final move. We grabbed eachothers hand, did a circle, then fell to our knees with our hands int he air. As we hit the stage floor all you could hear was a huge "BOOM" as our body weight made contact- which in turn made the cd player that was off to the side skip. It was horrible.


Kia said...

oh my goodness that is so funny. I didn't have the guts to do any pranks because I was always too scared to get in trouble. I got my first and only detention 2 weeks before I graduated high school because they said I was late too many times (which I know I wasn't because I HATE being late).

Tammie said...

I got to admit I almost didn't read this one. I figure what I don't know won't freak me out! but, I 'm glad I did. THis was hilarious! Though I feel like I should send a big check to the middle school for all those milks you stole. I'm so embarrased. *wink*