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Monday, August 13, 2007

Elusive Job Hunt

Gahh!! So, I quit my job at the bakery about two weeks ago and have been looking for a promising job that pays better than the last one. The first choice was PEC as the pay was a lot better than others and hours were good too. I had the interview (it was a group interview.. talk about urine provoking)
I walked in wearing a floral skirt and baby-pink shirt (im sure i looked about twelve now that i think about it). Taking a seat next to a plump older woman and a shy-looking twenty-two yr old, I felt a little intimidated. I had arrived ten minutes early so I had all that time to think about how horrible i could screw this up... and i did, i think. Four guys camein and introduced themselves as different managers of the company. They began to ask us questions and even now i dont remember what i said. I was soo nervous that i could feel myheart beating in my mchest. All i remember is that i talked really fast and tried to BS my way into making them think i had more experience than i actually did. Then they told us we would be taking an hour and a half long test on basic office needs.
What the heck?
I didnt know that the stuff I learned in PreAp Calculus would be used in an office?! Shoot, I think i dropped that class for PE. Anyways, the test was based on Math, Reading, Spelling error correction (which im sure i failed), Data Imput, and True or false.
I saved the Spelling Error and Math for the last because i knew that i would take the longest on those. I got to the math and took a swift look at my competitors progress. All were scribling their math work on the scrap paper that was provided. The test wasa on the computer and i knew that i could cheat but i didnt wan tto be caught cheating at a job interview... but i opened up the calculator program on the computer and quickly answered the questions. I think the lady sitting next to me saw but meh, i was using my resources.
After all that stress from the test, i finished and stood up to walk back to the desks where we originally sat. I dont know what exactly happened but when i sat down, i felt all the blood drain from my face which resulted in me looking whiter that i normally am.
"Amber, are you alright?" The manager asked.
Feeling dumb, i just smiled and said yes while trying to breath and get my complexion back. Hopefully they didnt think i was a health-hazard druggie.
Ugh, well i had my second interview and if i get the job or not they should call me. I was the only one in the group that spoke spanish but i didnt have any office experience. IDk either way im going ot apply to some other jobs today just incase. Hopefully Ill find something.


tpot said...

I hope you find a great job. I'm glad to be able to read your blog. Take care of yourself and watch out for those weirdos. Let us know how the PEC job works out.

Tammie said...

A second interview is a good indicator. Let us know what happens. We're still praying for you to find the right job for you!